Young Adult Author | Janelle Leonard
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Hi, I'm Janelle!


I grew up with a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other. When not creating new worlds, web-twisty plots, and 3D characters, I'm reading everything I can get my hands on (Eclectic Genre Junkie!). I'm an author, coffeeholic, wife, mother, editor, and during the school year, I work in an elementary library.


Northargyle Abbie

My debut novel has been released to the world! 


A huge THANK YOU for the excitement, encouragement, and support! Beyond blessed! 

Grab your copy today! 

In this modern reimagining of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey, the line between imagination and reality blurs, and every clue discovered could be the key to unlocking a royal legacy.


I will be joining 30+ authors for a

Spring Scavenger Hunt! ​

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